I am trying to show the index action of a rails app with an angular 
front-end.  Currently, I am able to save the input to my rails model, but 
no objects are loaded to the page when I refresh.  Here is my index action:

  def index
    respond_with Todo.all

and here is my TodoController:

function TodoController($scope, $filter, $resource) {
  Todo = $resource("/todos", {id: "@id"}, {update: {method: 'PUT'}})
  $scope.todos = Todo.query()

and here is my view:

<div class="roundedTwo">
        <input type="checkbox" ng-model="todo.done">
        <span class="done-{{todo.done}} todos">{{todo.title}} - 

I know that putting the query() method on the object is supposed to return 
as array, but nothing is showing on the page.  If I create an object on the 
page is saves to the database and shows that new object but when I refresh 
the page none of the objects show.

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