Hi Michael,

yes, you can do that, but if you need the stuff you add/manipulate to be 
compiled too. (say you add an another angular directive…) you need to
recompile the element. or at least the parts you modified.

here is an example of that:

.directive('testModel', function($compile) {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    priority: 9999,
    terminal: true,
    compile: function(el, attr) {

       var resumeCompilation = $compile(el, null, 9999);
       return function(scope) {       
         // make sure the right scope is linked to the template!

It works by pausing the compilation. The terminal:true combined with the 
high priority makes sure this directive comes first, and does not compile 
the other attached stuff.
then it manipulates the template/HTML. You can use any technique you like 
to do that, not just the attr.$set.
When done with your manipulation, the compile will pick up where we left 
off, and starts compiling the remaining parts.

Is this enough to get you going?


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