You don't, it will make the connection for you.  Just put ng-view somewhere 
in the html below the navbar, the link click will be caught by angular, 
then look at your config and decide what template/controller to load at the 
point of ng-view element.  (consider using 
html5mode: $locationProvider.html5Mode(true).hashPrefix('!');)

<body ng-controller='MainCtrl'>
<nav><a href="/home"></a><a href="/contact"></a?</nav>
<div ng-view></div>

.when('/home', {
  templateUrl: '/partials/home.html',
  controller: 'HomeCtrl'
.when('/contact', {
  templateUrl: '/partials/contact.html',
  controller: 'HomeCtrl'

So if you were to use an actual <button> element, just change the 

<button ng-click="goto('/home')">Home</button>

.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', '$location', function($scope, $location){
  $scope.goto = function(link){
    $location.path(link); //this just changes the URL for you the same as 
clicking a link

On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 11:44:43 AM UTC-6, Mariusz Wilk wrote:
> I'm new to programming and I'm trying to built my first simple website but 
> I'd like to use some Angular.js.
> So when I click a button on the navbar I'd like the view and the 
> controller to change. The way I understood it from the Codecademy course I 
> could 
> use app.config(function($routeProvider){...}) and depending on what's 
> added to the Url the view and controller changes (but the navbar doesn't).
> That way I define a clear link between a Url and content. But where's the 
> link between the navbar button and the Url? How do I bind these two?  

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