The first three images are flickering when the page is being loading, but 
after that it is gone. Does anyone know how I can solve this problem? 

<script type="text/ng-template" id="pages/home.html">
<div ng-controller="SlideShowController" ng-switch="slider" 
class="slideshow-box animate">
<div class="slider-content" ng-switch-when="1">
<img ng-src="{{one}}" class="animate-show" alt="meizu-m3-picture"/>

<div class="slider-content" ng-switch-when="2">
<img ng-src="{{two}}" class="animate-show" alt="meizu-mx6-picture"/>

<div class="slider-content" ng-switch-when="3">
<img ng-src="{{three}}" class="animate-show" alt="meizu-m3s-picture"/> 

angular.module("slideshow", ["myApp"])
.controller("SlideShowController", function($scope,  $timeout) {
var slideInSlideshow = 3;
var slideTimeInterval = 4000;

$scope.slider = 1;
var slideTimer =
$timeout(function interval() {
$scope.slider = ($scope.slider % slideInSlideshow) + 1;

slideTimer = $timeout(interval, slideTimeInterval);
}, slideTimeInterval);
var image1 = "image/image01.jpg";
var image2 = "image/image02.jpg";
var image3 = "image/image03.jpg";

var image = {
one: image1, 
two: image2, 
three: image3
$scope.image = image;

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