
On Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 5:51:39 AM UTC+1, Suhas Pansare wrote:
> I have AngularJs client application which displays data in table using 
> dir-paginate directive of dirPagination.js
>  <tr dir-paginate="user in Results| filter: vm.searchKeyword  
> |orderBy:orderByField:vm.reverseSort| itemsPerPage:30" 
> current-page="vm.current_page">
> Here is the search input
>  <input type="text"  ng-change="vm.SomeTask()"  ng-model="vm.searchKeyword" />
I think something like a debounce 
would help to avoid running the whole thing on ANY change. E.g. you mention 
deleting a word - let's say 6-character word, and then type a new name, 6 
more characters, that's 12 times running filter, sort, reverse, and then 
also rendering the whole thing.

So your input would become something like:

 <input type="text"  ng-change="vm.SomeTask()"  ng-model="vm.searchKeyword" 
ng-model-options="{debounce: 500}"/>

There, now your model update is only running every half a second. See if 
that helps, if not, there are more tricks to try.


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