Hi Folks,

I've been a .Net developer for years and decided to take the plunge into 
node/typescript/angular/ionic.  I'm working on a pwa for my board gaming 
club and was pretty happy with my progress until I tried to implement a 
service in order to move out the embeded arrays I was using to populate 
several drop downs in a form I had created.  So I used the angular cli and 
created a boiler plate service, moved my arrays into the class, made them 
private and created functions to return copies of the arrays.  Granted I'm 
doing all of this based off a youtube video I'm watching but it all seemed 
very cut and dry.  When I viewed the page in chrome I started seeing a 
bunch of errors and wasn't sure where to look for examples or how to fix 

Here's the first one and it looked like it was referring to something in 
Uncaught TypeError: c.querySelectorAll is not a function at 

And then I got this one referring to my html page:
ERROR Error: formControlName must be used with a parent formGroup 
directive.  You'll want to add a formGroup  directive and pass it an 
existing FormGroup instance (you can create one in your class).

It sounds like I forgot to add something to the app files to reference the 
service?  I did add a reference to it in the constructor of page.ts file 
and mad the service calls in ngOnInit to populate the variables that hold 
the arrays to be displayed in the drop downs.

I can certainly paste in code here but even though this is a really small 
project angular projects are kinda huge - a lot of plumbing going on but 
I'm very excited about the potential so learn I must.  If it would help to 
paste in code or attach files by all means let me know and I will do so.

I'm using the latest greatest of angular, ionic, node, typescript and vs 

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