I am working on an infinite scroll in angular 8. I am using an angular 
materials table to display my data.


<mat-table [dataSource]="displayOfMassSendObjects" 
   (scrollup) = "onScrollUp()"

 <ng-container id = "companyNameColumn" matColumnDef="companyName">
    <mat-header-cell id = "companyNameTitle" 
    <mat-cell class = "companyNameData" *matCellDef="let row"> 

 <ng-container id = "emailColumn" matColumnDef="email">
    <mat-header-cell id = "emailTitle" 
    <mat-cell class = "emailData" class="email" *matCellDef="let row"> 

    <mat-header-row *matHeaderRowDef="tableColumns"></mat-header-row>
    <mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: tableColumns"> </mat-row>


On load I have 10 records showing up in the table. When I scroll down, I am 
expecting that more records will populate in the HTML but they are not. The 
records are however being added to the array in the console.log(). I think 
the problem is that the HTML Angular Materials is not recognizing the .push 
because when I substitute .push for .slice, the records show up in the 
HTML, however don't want the app to work like that.

Here is my component for the table where I want the scroll bar:

 export class MassSendComponent implements OnInit {
  sum = 10; 
  globalList = []; 
  displayOfMassSendObjects: MassSend[]; 
  tableColumns : string[] = ['ispNumber','companyName', 'email', 'taxId']
      private mockMassSendService: MockMassSendService,
       ) {}

  ngOnInit(): void {

 getMassSendData() {
         .subscribe(massSendObjects => {
             this.globalList = massSendObjects; 
             this.displayOfMassSendObjects = massSendObjects.slice(0, 

  getMoreData() {

 onScrollDown(): void {
   this.sum += 1;

I also have a service method being called:

     export class MockMassSendService {

      constructor() { }

         getMassSendData(): Observable<MassSend[]> {
             return of(mockMassSend); 

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