I wonder how the first line of the Technical Summary got there :-).

Regards,   Martin.

On 2017/12/20 11:26, The IESG wrote:
The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'Autonomic IPv6 Edge Prefix Management in Large-scale Networks'
   (draft-ietf-anima-prefix-management-07.txt) as Informational RFC

This document is the product of the Autonomic Networking Integrated Model and
Approach Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Warren Kumari, Benoit Claise and Terry Manderson.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Technical Summary

    Relevant content can frequently be found in the abstract
    This document describes an autonomic solution for IPv6 prefix
    management at the edge of large-scale ISP networks, with an extension
    to support IPv4 prefixes.  An important purpose of the document is to
    use it for validation of the design of various components of the
    autonomic networking infrastructure.

Working Group Summary

This document was called draft-jiang-anima-prefix-management
prior to its adoption. There was consenus support for it in favor of
adoption, so this document was adopted in January 2016. There was
interest in this work posts since its adoption. There was no opposition
to this work.
This document went through a relevant long document development
period (15 months for individual document period,  30 month for WG
document period). It has been reviewed well.

Document Quality

Huawei has expressed interest in implementation.
There is a prototype implementation at:


Toerless Eckert is the document shepherd.
Terry Manderson is the responsible AD.


The IANA is requested to add two names to GRASP Objective Names Table
registry defined by [I-D.ietf-anima-grasp] (registry already crated).
  "PrefixManager" and "PrefixManager.Params". I did review/discuss these
names during shepherd review. I think these allocations establish
a useful precedent of making multiple objectives of one functional area
use a common prefix.


Prof. Dr.sc. Martin J. Dürst
Department of Intelligent Information Technology
College of Science and Engineering
Aoyama Gakuin University
Fuchinobe 5-1-10, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara
252-5258 Japan

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