As a result of trying to understand (and then to model) the protocol
flow for BRSKI, I have made a review of
draft-ietf-anima-bootstrapping-keyinfra-09.  The following are my
technical comments.  A separate list of suggested minor editorial
changes has been sent to the authors.


Section 1, para 3, lines 4-5.  "is a minor extension to the voucher
format (see Section 3)."  What "voucher format"?  I guess that you mean
the voucher format defined in draft-ietf-anima-voucher.  I suggest some
additional precision here.

Lines 4-5.  Why is this "minor extension" defined here, and not in
draft-ietf-anima-voucher?  Would it not be better to have all (currently
known) voucher formats in one place?

Section 2.3, para 2, line 1.  "previously defined fields"  Where are
these defined?  Are they previously defined in this document?  Are they
previously defined in some other document?  (If so, give reference.)

In general, this paragraph and its two bullets might be understandable
by someone who is well familiar with X.509, but they are opaque to
someone who is not (i.e., this reviewer).  I believe that your message
would be much clearer if you first defined (or explained) what is in the
X.509 certificate (that you are going to use), and then specified the
constraints/extensions that you are going to impose.

Here is my (possibly incorrect) understanding:

<begin understanding>
The X.509 certificate contains a "subject" field, which in turn contains
a DN encoding.  (What is "DN"?  Please define the acronym.)  For a
voucher, this DN encoding MUST include the "serialNumber" attribute.

The X.509 certificate also contains a "subject-alt" field.  For a
voucher, this field SHOULD contain a "HardwareModuleName".

Three possible mappings are given to produce the "serial-number" field
in the voucher.

A new extension for the X.509 IDevID certificate contains a URI pointing
to the MASA.  IRIs MUST be mapped to URIs in a specific way.
<end understanding>

However, I had to struggle to come to this understanding.  Hopefully,
new text can be introduced to ensure that future readers will come to
this understanding more quickly.  After all, if our goal is to ensure
correct implementations of the spec, it would be helpful if the spec
were clear and specific.

Section 2.3, para 5, line 4.  In this document, the string ".well-known"
appears variously as ".well-known", "./well-known", and "/.well-known".
If these are in fact intentional, then the differences should be
explained.  Otherwise, a consistent form should be ensured throughout
the document.  Given that I do not know what is correct, or if they are
intended to be different, I have not signaled these cases in my General
Comments.  You will have to do a search to discover all the instances.

Section 2.6, para 1.  I find this entire paragraph puzzling.  I believe
that more text is required here, in the hope that the use cases will be
clearer.  Perhaps the use cases need to be stated first, followed by the
allowed actions.

Section 3, para 1, line 6.  What is the meaning of
'"proximity-registrar-cert" leaf'?  What is the leaf a leaf of?  If this
refers to some YANG module, please cite the YANG module.

Section 3.2, Example (2).  Does this example illustrate _a_ Registrar
voucher-request, or does it illustrate the Registrar voucher-request
that would be used to forward Example (1)?  If the former, why is the
nonce identical?  If the latter, it should be explained that certain
other fields are carried forward as well.

Section 4.1, para 2, bullet 2, line 3.  "may" -> "MAY"  (This "may"
seems to be normative.)

Para 7, line 2.  "should" -> "SHOULD"

Section 5, para 8, bullet 1.  The reference to RFC6125 appears to be
normative, and so RFC 6125 should be added to the list of (normative)

Section 5.4, para 9.  This paragraph gives a series of actions that are
described in the introductory material as "validation checks".  However,
the first bullet is describing a renewal action, not a validation check.
 I suggest that the phrase "The MASA validation checks before issuing a
voucher are as follows:" be replaced with "The MASA performs the
following actions and validation checks before issuing a voucher:"

Section 5.8, para 2, line 1.  "the following EST"  (I have no idea where
these "following" items are.  The subsequent subsections are clearly not
extensions, so I cannot determine what is being referenced here.  Since
this is a "recommendation", it is important that it be clear to the
reader what is intended.

Para 2.  This paragraph is quite opaque to me.  I cannot follow the
logic of the sequence of statements.  Does the second sentence imply
"one-at-a-time" operation, or something else?  In the third sentence,
requests will "look the same" as what?  Each other, something else?


Dr. J.W. Atwood, Eng.             tel:   +1 (514) 848-2424 x3046
Distinguished Professor Emeritus  fax:   +1 (514) 848-2830
Department of Computer Science
   and Software Engineering
Concordia University EV 3.185
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec Canada H3G 1M8

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