Brian: as part of the fixes for Pascals review, i added a section 1.1,
applicability & scope that mentions the "professionally managed"
and also has one small paragraph at the end re. constrained devices/
networks. I hope this provides qukc/useful scoping of what the ACP


On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 10:17:01AM +1300, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> Pascal,
> Great review!
> > -          Section 3; the IOT certainly could use an ACP. It would be 
> > useful to scope the feature that is proposed in this document, whether it 
> > is compatible of not with constrained environments, whether it needs 
> > adaptations, point on Michael's enrollment draft. It would also be useful 
> > to indicate whether the ACP works between L3 bridges, IOW whether ACP 
> > operates the same (over IP) regardless of the packet forwarding layer in 
> > the data plane;
> Perhaps this point belongs in draft-ietf-anima-reference-model. ANIMA is 
> chartered for "professionally managed" networks, and the reference model 
> says: "At a later stage ANIMA may define a scope for constrained nodes with a 
> reduced ANI [autonomic infrastructure] and well-defined minimal 
> functionality.  They are currently out of scope." So while your point is very 
> valid, it's been considered out of scope so far.
> I'll leave the rest of your excellent comments to the ACP authors.
> Thanks
>    Brian


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