On 2018-11-30 15:26, Michael Richardson wrote:
> https://github.com/anima-wg/anima-bootstrap/issues/88
>> What happens if the MASA refuses to provide a voucher, or provides a wrong
>> voucher? Can the MASA be used to restrain commerce with specific countries?
>> Is that a feature or a bug?
> BRSKI does not eliminate other mechanisms of enrolling devices.
> If the vendor eliminates all other ways of enrolling devices, then yes, it
> could be used as a restraint.  But, many vendors already restrict which
> firmware can be used in which countries, and by which customers.
> It's a feature that the MASA can be used to defer theft.
> It's a bug that the MASA can be used to prevent resale.
> I'd love to resolve the situation, but I don't know how.

The feature is good. The bug is a regulatory issue; IANAL
but in any case (as with DRM) it's completely outside the IETF's

Imagine a military device in such a context. You pull the trigger
and the gun pops up a window saying "Not authorised for use
in Elbonia." From most viewpoints, that's a Good Thing.


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