Mendelson, Tsippy <> wrote:
    > Sending again to wider ANIMA audience – as I received no response.

I don't think that I saw it before.
But, you posted to the list, which is the right place.
(You could have opened a github issue)

    > We have identified a reference to an old spec in BRSKI draft
    > draft-ietf-anima-bootstrapping-keyinfra-22.

    > The draft refers to:

    > [IDevID] "IEEE 802.1AR Secure Device Identifier", December 2009,
    > <
    > standard/802.1AR-2009.html>.

    > However there is a later spec:

    > The specific quote from 802.1AR-2009 that we would like to ask about is in
    > section 2.3.1 “Identification of the Pledge”:

So, I have no idea if 802_1AR-2018 is better or not, as I don't have a copy
of it.  I tried last week to get a copy of it via the getieee system,
but I failed.  I had previously been able to download the 2009 version.

    > The following fields are defined in [IDevID] and [RFC5280]:


    >    o  The subject field's DN encoding MUST include the "serialNumber"
    >       attribute with the device's unique serial number.  (from [IDevID]
    >       section 7.2.8, and [RFC5280] section 4..1.2.4's list of standard
    >       attributes)

    > In 802_1AR-2018 we could not find that the “serialNumber” attribute
    > MUST be included rather we found SHOULD:

Yes, but we are saying that *WE* require it.  

    > Here it says: An IDevID certificate subject field shall be non-null and
    > should include a unique device serial number.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [ 
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