Carsten Bormann <> wrote:
    > On 14. Jun 2021, at 03:09, Michael Richardson <>
    > wrote:
    >> 1) how to process yang files with YYYY-DD-MM into XML.  2) how to
    >> generate yang tree files.  3) how do I get my YANG includes
    >> downloaded, and do I put them into my repo?  4) how to do this with MT
    >> Makefiles?

    > I people could tell me what they need, we could develop a feature in
    > kramdown-rfc to handle this.  (This would presumably also include
    > support for YANG-SID files.)

But, part of the question is, how does one do this with just XML.
As wonderful as kramdown is, and it's always my preference, sometimes it is
hard to convince a design team that has started on XML to go that way.
(sunk cost fallacy, etc.)

I looked at Kent's XIAX repo documentation, and what I saw was that it might
take XML as input, paste the YANG in, but leave enough meta-data in the XML so 
the XML can be processed again.  So this is an in-place edit.  I worry that
such a workflow would be confusing to some authors who might edit in the
wrong place.

Kent, I didn't look extensively at that repo you said to clone.

As to editing in YIN, which is an XML syntax way to represent
YANG.... well... I don't mind if someone wants to store YANG that way, but I
sure don't want to edit that way.

So at this point, the best I can do is to bring my "insert-figures" hack into
a repo, rename the XML to another name, and generate draft-foobar.xml in the

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [ 
]        |   ruby on rails    [ 

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