On 20-Aug-22 09:15, Carsten Bormann wrote:
On 2022-08-19, at 23:05, Brian E Carpenter <brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com> wrote:

There is no reason to limit this to 255.
(Do you plan to creat a registry for these?

The 'extension_type' terminology is confusing, because these would
be new GRASP options, and they already have a registry.

grasp-extension = [ EXTENSION_TYPE, *any ]

Ah, OK, Section 2.9.1 of RFC 8990 (why didn’t we provide CDDL for the general 
concept of a GRASP option?).
So this really should have been called grasp-option, and the grasp-option in 
message-structure should have been called something else?  (It seems to include 
both 2.9.1 grasp options and 2.10.1 objective options, as well as ttl and 
waiting-time in the message types defined in RFC 8990).

Apologies for taking a while to swap in the GRASP details again...

Ditto, but referring to CDDL details. Off list, I suggested:

   grasp-option = numeric-option / objective
   numeric-option = option .within option-structure
   option-structure = [0..255, any]

and then

   option /= divert-option


and then we can use *numeric-option or ?*numeric-option as needed.

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