Brian E Carpenter <> wrote:
    > M_FLOOD includes a TTL.

    > "The message MUST contain a time-to-live (ttl) for the validity of the
    > contents, given as a positive integer value in milliseconds. There is
    > no default; zero indicates an indefinite lifetime."

Sure, so after that time, throw away the announcement.
So the list empties itself without a problem.

    > In any case, floods must be ignored after their TTL expires, obviously.
    > I see that RFC 8995 specifies the TTL as 180000 ms.

    > So there's also:

    > 5. Pick the one with the longest remaining TTL.

    > That should be about the same as #1, but maybe not quite, if we ever
    > decided to vary the TTL in future.

Yes, okay, I'll take variation.

We can throw out announcements that don't work, I think.
Let's say one gets a Port Unreachable or No Route to Host.

    > Are there any protocol or standard implications?  I don't think so, but I
    > wanted to check.

Michael Richardson <>   . o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting )
           Sandelman Software Works Inc, Ottawa and Worldwide

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