So is it possible to record animation in Animata?
I have got 'camera' tab, however there are no functions what so ever...

Is it possible to record animation with transparent background?

Thank you all for the help
x x x


Hi Gabor,

Thank you for your reply.

And how can I convert the .nmt file to the other format? 
If I could only import the animation to Flash, that would really show me the 
However with .nmt I cannot view the animation anywhere except Animata...

Thank you for the time.



I am considering to use Animata for my Master Project.
I would like to animate hand-drawn animation (very simple) and then I would 
like to somehow
transport the animation to Flash and add some interactivity with ActionScript 
(very simple like
click the object so the leg will start moving).
Is that possible?

I am not very good at coding and stuff, however I found Animata friendly and 
quiet easy.

I would much appreciate any help and advice.


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