You can do fullscreen by pressing spacebar (took me a while to figure that out too)

I haven't tested animata with th2g, but based on what I've seen with just normal projector output, you will have to resize the preview (or editor) window to the same shape as the output. So you are going to lose some working space which might be an issue depending on the resolution of your monitor.

I can't help you with the Eyesweb stuff. Someone who has actually used it might be able to know what's going on.


On Jun 12, 2009, at 4:42 PM, LEON TRIMBLE wrote:

yeah that's working now cheers.
how do i fullscreen the output window? i'm attempting to do a triplehead2go output using animata. do you foresee a problem with the preview monitor being a different size from the output? also, i got the eyesweb patch from the link on the mansteri osc blog post. but i get tis if i try and load it. ERR> Error loading patch "C:\downloads\oscman_WDM_video_input.eywx": The item specified was not found in the collection. ERR> Class identifier (ClassID) of the searched item was "{3897339F-60B4-11D4-A28A-CF461A886A4A}".
any ideas?

From: gabor papp <>
Sent: Wednesday, 10 June, 2009 12:58:43 PM
Subject: Re: [animata-users] having a couple of probs


> first, if i save a nmt scene it doesn't save the image with it just the mesh
this is 'normal' animata behaviour. you need to copy the image next to
the nmt file.

> second, if i want to compile the latest svn, is there a windows tutorial available? i'm not a programmer. can someone send me the compiled file?
i don't have a windows computer, but a few weeks ago we updated the
readme file with windows instructions.


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