The log4j team is proud to announce the official release of log4j 1.2.12!

This new version contains a number of bug fixes, the addition of the much requested TRACE level, and is compile and runtime compatible with the earlier JDK's 1.1 and 1.2 (this feature had been inadvertently broken in version 1.2.11). Other than the addition of the TRACE level, the api is identical to earlier versions of 1.2.X.

You can download version 1.2.12 from:

The log4j team expects this to be the last release for the log4j 1.2.X series. Focus is now going to be applied to completing the long awaited version 1.3 which will have a number of additions and improvements (early alpha versions are also available at the above link).

Thank you for your continued support!

-The log4j team

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