The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of MyFaces
Core 2.1.8.

MyFaces Core is a JavaServer(tm) Faces 2.1 implementation as specified
by JSR-314. MyFaces Core has passed Sun's JSR-314 TCK and is 100%
compliant with the JSR-314 specification.

MyFaces Core 2.1.8 is available in both binary and source distributions.


MyFaces Core is also available in the central Maven repository under
Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.core".

Release Notes - MyFaces Core - Version 2.1.8


    [MYFACES-3501] - Remove unncecessary exception wrapping
    [MYFACES-3503] - Improve exception handling for
f:setPropertyActionListener and EL coercion


    [MYFACES-3509] - Array.prototype.forEach used in browsers that do
not natively support this function
    [MYFACES-3526] - NullPointerException on
javax.faces.application.Resource.toString when using
    [MYFACES-3527] - ajax update of composite component within an
ui:repeat doesn't work
    [MYFACES-3530] - Implicit Navigation Does Not Work After
    [MYFACES-3531] - Empty url mapping prefix causes infinite loop in
    [MYFACES-3536] - AccessControlException occurs when using a
CustomExceptionHandler to navigate to a page using the
    [MYFACES-3537] - TagLibraryConfig doesn't recognize
    [MYFACES-3539] - jsf.js: ajax broken for Firefox 12 due to firefox bug
    [MYFACES-3541] - actionListener of composite component not working
with dynamic includes
    [MYFACES-3543] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: text/xml on
ajax requests with webkit mobile browser
    [MYFACES-3544] - client side ajax error when render a primefaces
datatable with f:ajax
    [MYFACES-3545] - FACELETS_REFRESH_PERIOD > 0 + .xhtml in .jar =
Too many open files
    [MYFACES-3554] - REGRESSION: 2.0.12/2.1.6 (and above) fail on state saving
    [MYFACES-3557] - ViewNotFoundException using Custom Exception
Handler after ViewExpiredException when using implicit navigation and
prefix mapping.


    [MYFACES-3505] - [perf] DefaultFaceletContext : use same
StringBuilder instance for prefix and uniqueId
    [MYFACES-3548] - not synchronized with
    [MYFACES-3549] - Alternative solution to bugs MYFACES-3262 and MYFACES-3510
    [MYFACES-3550] - [perf] minimize FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
calls part II
    [MYFACES-3555] - [perf] store location key in composite component just once
    [MYFACES-3556] - [perf] call markInitialState() inside
vdl.retargetAttachedObjects() and vdl.retargetMethodExpressions()
    [MYFACES-3560] - [perf] Add
FaceletCompositionContext.incrementUniqueComponentId() and prevent
create ids when is not necessary


Leonardo Uribe

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