The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 6.9.0!

This release marks the ninth minor release of Wicket 6. Starting with
Wicket 6 we use semantic versioning for the future development of
Wicket, and as such no API breaks are present in this release
compared to 6.0.0.

New and noteworthy

Switch between jQuery 1.x and 2.x depending on the user agent. For IE
6/7/8 jQuery ver. 1.x will be used, for any other browser - ver. 2.x.
To use this resource reference do in your application's init method:

    protected void init() {

Upgraded Atmoshpere (1.0.13) and Bootstrap (2.3.2) resources.

Using this release

With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to
update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):


Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
convenience binary package

 * Source:
 * Binary:

Upgrading from earlier versions

If you upgrade from 6.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
you come from a version prior to 6.0.0, please read our Wicket 6
migration guide found at


Have fun!

— The Wicket team

Release Notes - Wicket - Version 6.9.0

** Bug

    * [WICKET-4827] - Modal panel mouse pointer in resize style for
    * [WICKET-5056] - Page mount with an optional named parameter
overtakes a mount with more specific path
    * [WICKET-5071] - 404 Error on Nested ModalWindows in IE7 and IE8
    * [WICKET-5165] - Session should be bound when adding messages to it
    * [WICKET-5194] - Adding AjaxFormValidatingBehavior to the form
prevents form from being filled
    * [WICKET-5200] - Upgrade atmosphere-runtime to 1.0.13
    * [WICKET-5202] - Page redirects can fail when using url encoding
    * [WICKET-5203] - Base url is incorrect for error dispatched pages
    * [WICKET-5204] - The DateTimeField.onBeforeRender() method does
not format the fields correctly.
    * [WICKET-5205] - AbstractAjaxBehavior.unbind does not clean
stored reference to host component
    * [WICKET-5209] - NPE when using ComponentRenderer.renderComponent
on a panel with <wicket:enclosure>
    * [WICKET-5218] - EnclosureContainer calls child#configure() way
before rendering
    * [WICKET-5220] - AjaxEditableLabel not working well in form
    * [WICKET-5222] - Direct iframe removal not supported by Firefox:
tab title stays as "Connecting"
    * [WICKET-5223] - AjaxEditableLabel doesn't provide a way to
configure Ajax attributes for its Ajax behaviors
    * [WICKET-5226] - CDI integration fails in Glassfish 4.0 with WELD-000070
    * [WICKET-5230] - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior fails
for choices containing other invalid FormComponents
    * [WICKET-5234] - OnEventHeaderItem can't be applied via AJAX
    * [WICKET-5237] - Wicket generates invalid HTML by expanding col tags
    * [WICKET-5247] - Broken Link in Tomcat because of Page Mount

** Improvement

    * [WICKET-5199] - Component.getBehaviors(Class<M> type)
documentation is obsolete
    * [WICKET-5207] - Use documented jQuery APIs for triggering the
special event 'inputchange'
    * [WICKET-5208] - Contribute jQuery 1.x or 2.x depending on the user agent
    * [WICKET-5210] - JQuery problem because component appears twice
in DOM while Ajax refresh
    * [WICKET-5211] - Make CryptoMapper extendable
    * [WICKET-5215] - Better exception message when Page instantiation
fails in DefaultPageFactory
    * [WICKET-5219] - ServletWebResponse should call #setHeader() to
set Ajax-Location for redirect
    * [WICKET-5228] - Add method getFirstDayOfWeek to DatePicker class
    * [WICKET-5232] - ComponentRenderer.renderComponent could accept
components with any markupId, not just "compId"
    * [WICKET-5233] - Component.getBehaviors() can be implemented
slightly more efficiently
    * [WICKET-5238] - Upgrade bootstrap from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2

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