>> this announcement is available online at http://s.apache.org/ES5

With more than 200 projects and initiatives under development at The Apache 
Software Foundation, here's what's happened over the past week: 

ApacheCon™ –the official conference series of The Apache Software Foundation 
- ApacheCon North America returns to Austin http://s.apache.org/60N 
Apache Commons™ –library that provides a simple interface for reading and 
writing CSV files of various types. 
- Apache Commons CSV 1.1 released http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-csv/ 

Apache Directory™ –directory solutions entirely written in Java, including an 
extensible and embeddable directory server entirely written in Java, which has 
been certified LDAPv3 compatible by the Open Group, and LDAP client API to 
provide an enhanced LDAP API as a replacement for JNDI and the existing LDAP 
API (jLdap and Mozilla LDAP API). 
- ApacheDS 2.0.0-M19 released http://directory.apache.org/apacheds 
- Apache Directory LDAP API 1.0.0-M26 released http://directory.apache.org/api 

Apache Slider (incubating)™ –a YARN application which deploys existing 
distributed applications on YARN, monitors them, and makes them larger or 
smaller as desired. 
- Apache Slider 0.60.0-incubating released 

Apache Sqoop™ –a tool designed for efficiently transferring bulk data between 
Apache Hadoop and structured datastores, such as relational databases. 
- Apache Sqoop 1.99.4 released 

Apache Storm™ –a distributed, fault-tolerant, and high-performance realtime 
computation system that provides strong guarantees on the processing of data. 
- Apache Storm 0.9.3 released http://storm.apache.org 

Apache Tomcat™ –Open Source software implementation of the Java Servlet, 
JavaServer Pages and Java Expression Language technologies. 
- Apache Tomcat 6.0.43 released http://tomcat.apache.org/download-60.cgi 

Apache Software Foundation Graphics –graphical assets that can be used by third 
parties when referring to The Apache Software Foundation or one of its 
- Download new "Powered By Apache" general and project logos 

= = = 

For real-time updates, sign up for Apache-related news at announce@apache.org 
and follow @TheASF on Twitter. 

For a broader spectrum from the Apache community, 
https://twitter.com/PlanetApache provides an aggregate of both Project 
activities and the personal blogs of select ASF Committers. 

= = =

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