Apache Portals Web Content Application 2 is a servlet/portlet application
framework dedicated to the development of reverse proxying, web content
rewriting and rendering.

Apache Portals Web Content Application 2 was rewritten from the previous
versions in order to take advantage of the newer version of Apache
HttpComponents and to be more flexible as a framework, especially for
content-rewriting and reverse-proxying. So, it uses a different package
(org.apache.portals.applications.webcontent2) than the previous versions
(org.apache.portals.applications.webcontent), allowing it to be used at the
same time with an earlier version. As a result, it is incompatible with the
previous versions.

New Features and improvements in Version 2.0:

* Maven project restructuring (content-rewriter, reverse-proxy, portlets,
war) to support various use cases for both servlet or portlet environments.

* Redefining Content Rewriter API (in content-rewriter module).

* Providing basic Content Rewriter implementations including simple text
line based rewriter and HtmlCleaner based rewriter implementations.

* Refactoring Reverse Proxy components to be runnable through both simple
configuration files and advanced spring assemblies.

* Reverse proxy pipelines with Command components based on Chain of
Responsibility pattern (using Apache Commons Chain) for more flexibility.

* Refactoring WebContentPortlet to use http-client 4.x.

* Adding SimpleReverseProxyPortlet support as a server-side reverse
proxying portlet solution.

Full details can be found in the homepage and the release Notes of Portals
Apps - Version apa-webcontent-2.0:


Release Notes:





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