Dear Community,

The Apache Apex community is pleased to announce release 3.4.0 of the
Malhar library.

This release follows release 3.4.0 of core, resolves 66 JIRAs and adds
a number of exciting new features and enhancements, including:

- First cut of the high level Java stream API
- Large operator state management (embedded key/value storage)
- Connectors for Apache NiFi
- Connectors and checkpointing with Apache Geode
- New operators for transform, projection, enrichment
- Support for Avro and Parquet formats


Apache Apex is an enterprise grade native YARN big data-in-motion platform
that unifies stream and batch processing. Apex was built for
scalability and low-latency processing, high availability and operability.

Apache Apex is Java based and strives to ease application development on a
platform that takes care of aspects such as stateful fault tolerance,
partitioning, processing guarantees, buffering and synchronization,
auto-scaling etc. Apex comes with Malhar, a rich library of pre-built
operators, including adapters that integrate with existing technologies as
sources and destinations, like message buses, databases, files or social
media feeds.

The source release can be found at:

or visit:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on the project and
how to get involved, visit our website at:

The Apache Apex community

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