The Apache UIMA team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache UIMA Java
SDK, version 3.0.0-alpha.  This is an early of version 3.0.0 intended to enable
a wider set of users to test and give feedback.  

Apache UIMA <> is a component architecture and framework
for the analysis of unstructured content like text, video and audio data.

This release is a major rewrite of the internals of core UIMA, and 
includes many new features, including:
 -- support for arbitrary Java objects in the CAS
 -- New semi-built-in UIMA types: FSArrayList, FSHashSet, IntegerArrayList
 -- New "select" framework integrated with Java 8 Streams
 -- Elimination of concurrent modification exception 
      while iterating over UIMA indexes
 -- Automatic Garbage Collection of unreferenced Feature Structures

A full description of the new and changed parts is here:

This release requires Java 8, and is intended to be backwards compatible with
existing Version 2 pipeline code, except for the need to regenerate or migrate
(tooling provided) user-defined JCas class definitions.

Please send feedback via the Apache UIMA project mailing lists.

 -Marshall Schor, for the Apache UIMA development team

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