The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Apache
​HBase​ 2.0.0-beta-1!

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware. To learn more
about HBase, see

Download through an ASF mirror:

(It may take a while to show up on a particular mirror site)

hbase-2.0.0-beta-1 is our first beta release. It includes all that was in
previous alphas (new assignment manager, offheap read/write path, in-memory
compactions, etc.) only now the
APIs and feature-set are sealed as we run up to our hbase-2.0.0 release.

hbase-2.0.0-beta-1 is a not-for-production preview of hbase-2.0.0. It is
meant for devs and downstreamers to test drive and flag us if we messed up
on anything ahead of our rolling GAs. We are particular interested in
hearing from Coprocessor developers.

The list of features addressed in 2.0.0 so far can be found here [3]. There
are thousands. The list of ~2k+ fixes in 2.0.0 exclusively can be found
here [4].

I've updated our overview doc. on the state of 2.0.0 [6]. We'll do one more
beta before we put up our first 2.0.0 Release Candidate by the end of
February, 2.0.0-beta-2. Its focus will be making it so users can do a
rolling upgrade onto hbase-2.x from hbase-1.x (and any bug fixes found
running beta-1). Here is the list of what we have targeted so far for
beta-2 [5]. Check it out.

One known issue is that the User API has not been properly filtered so it
shows more than just InterfaceAudience Public content (HBASE-19663, to be
fixed by beta-2).

Please take this beta for a spin. Let us know if you find any issue so we
can fix it before we GA.

For instructions on verifying ASF release downloads, please see

Project member signature keys can be found at

This release was tagged with rel/2.0.0-beta-1 (

Thanks to all the contributors who made this release possible!

The HBase Dev Team


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