Apache Yetus 0.9.0 Released!

The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache Yetus Project are pleased to 
announce the release of version 0.9.0 of Apache Yetus.

Apache Yetus is a collection of libraries and tools that enable contribution 
and release processes for software projects.  It provides a robust system for 
automatically checking new contributions against a variety of 
community-accepted requirements, the means to document a well defined and  
supported interface for downstream projects, and tools to help release managers 
generate release documentation based on the information provided by community 
issue trackers and source repositories.

This version marks the latest minor release representing the community’s work 
over the last 5 months. It includes some incompatible changes.  Please take a 
look at the changelog and release notes before upgrading. (Most command lines 
should shrink!) Beyond the normal bug fixes, major highlights include:

- Build system is now Apache Maven
- New yetus-maven-plugin
- Support for Gitlab
- Improved Github support
- New robots framework for CI systems: revamped Jenkins support, new support 
for Travis CI, Circle CI, and Gitlab CI.
- Docker overhauled: docker-in-docker support, ability to build from a docker 
tag instead of just a file, and support for custom dockerd sockets
- New apache/yetus and apache/yetus-base convenience binaries on hub.docker.com
- jshint support for javascript linting
- yamllint support for yaml file linting

To download, please choose a mirror by visiting:


The relevant checksums files are available at:


Project member signature keys can be found at


PGP signatures are available at:


The list of changes included in this release and release notes can be browsed 


Documentation for this release is at:


On behalf of the Apache Yetus team, thanks to everyone who helped with this 

Questions, comments, and bug reports are always welcome on


Allen Wittenauer
Apache Yetus PMC

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