[this announcement is available online at https://s.apache.org/q14mx ]

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) welcomes the following new Members who 
were elected during the annual ASF Members' Meeting on 31 March - 2 April 2020:

John Andrunas, Paul Angus, Zaheda Bhorat, Timothy Chen, Andrea Cosentino, Adina 
Crainiceanu, Griselda Cuevas, Fokko Driesprong, PJ Fanning, Julian Feinauer, 
Drew Foulks, Von Gosling, Susan Hinrich, Clay Leeds, Swapnil M Mane, Frank 
McQuillan, Gian Merlino, Andrew Musselman, François Papon, Jerry Shao, Shao 
Feng Shi, Mohammad Asif Siddiqui, Neil Smith, Casey Stella, Jincheng Sun, 
Wangda Tan, Luca Toscano, Xiaorui Wang, Geertjan Wielenga, Sheng Wu, Kete Yang, 
Awasum Yannick, Duo Zhang, and Zhe Zhang.

The ASF incorporated in 1999 with a core membership of 21 individuals who 
oversaw the progress of the Apache HTTP Server. This group grew with Committers 
—developers who contributed code, patches, documentation, and other 
contributions, and were subsequently granted access by the Membership:

 - to "commit" or "write" (contribute) directly to the code repository;

 - the right to vote on community-related decisions; and

 - the ability propose an active user for Committership.

Those Committers who demonstrate merit in the Foundation's growth, evolution, 
and progress are nominated for ASF Membership by existing Members.

This election brings the total number of ASF Members to 813 today. Individuals 
elected as ASF Members legally serve as the "shareholders" of the Foundation 

For more information on how the ASF works, visit 
http://www.apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html , Apache Is Open 
https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/entry/apache-is-open , and Briefing: The 
Apache Way http://apache.org/theapacheway/ 

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