The Apache Kudu team is happy to announce the release of Kudu 1.15.0!

Kudu is an open source storage engine for structured data which supports
low-latency random access together with efficient analytical access
patterns.  It is designed within the context of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem
and supports many integrations with other data analytics projects both
inside and outside of the Apache Software Foundation.

The new release adds several new features and improvements, including
the following:

- Kudu now experimentally supports multi-row transactions. Currently
only INSERT and INSERT_IGNORE operations are supported.

- Kudu now supports Raft configuration change for Kudu masters and CLI
tools for orchestrating addition and removal of masters in a Kudu
cluster. These tools substantially simplify the process of migrating
to multiple masters, recovering a dead master and removing masters
from a Kudu cluster. For detailed steps, see the latest administration
documentation. This feature is evolving and the steps to add, remove
and recover masters may change in the future. See KUDU-2181 for

- Kudu now supports table comments directly on Kudu tables which are
automatically synchronized when the Hive Metastore integration is
enabled. These comments can be added at table creation time and
changed via table alteration.

- Kudu now experimentally supports per-table size limits based on
leader disk space usage or number of rows. When generating new
authorization tokens, Masters will now consider the size limits and
strip tokens of INSERT and UPDATE privileges if either limit is
reached. To enable this feature, set the --enable_table_write_limit
master flag; adjust the --table_disk_size_limit and
--table_row_count_limit flags as desired or use the kudu table
set_limit tool to set limits per table.

- It is now possible to change the Kerberos Service Principal Name
using the --principal flag. The default SPN is still kudu/_HOST.
Clients connecting to a cluster using a non-default SPN must set the
sasl_protocol_name or saslProtocolName to match the SPN base (i.e.
“kudu” if the SPN is “kudu/_HOST”) in the client builder or the Kudu
CLI. See KUDU-1884 for details.

- Kudu RPC now supports TLSv1.3. Kudu servers and clients
automatically negotiate TLSv1.3 for Kudu RPC if OpenSSL (or Java
runtime correspondingly) on each side supports TLSv1.3. If necessary,
use the newly introduced flag --rpc_tls_ciphersuites to customize
TLSv1.3-specific cipher suites at the server side. See KUDU-2871 for

The above is just a list of the highlights, for a more complete list
of new features, improvements and fixes please refer to the release

The Apache Kudu project only publishes source code releases. To build
Kudu 1.15.0, follow these steps:

- Download the Kudu 1.15.0 source release:
- Follow the instructions in the documentation to build Kudu 1.15.0
from source:

For your convenience, binary JAR files for the Kudu Java client
library, Spark DataSource, Flume sink, and other Java integrations are
published to the ASF Maven repository and are now available:

The Python client source is also available on PyPI:

Additionally, experimental Docker images are published to Docker Hub,
including for AArch64-based architectures (ARM):

The Apache Kudu Team

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