The Apache Commons Team is pleased to announce the availability of
version 1.0 of "Apache Commons Numbers".

Apache Commons Numbers provides number types and utilities.

Changes in this version include:

Fixed Bugs:
o NUMBERS-153:  Use iterative implementation of "trigamma" function. Thanks to
    Dmitriy Golovashkin for reporting. Thanks to Gilles Sadowski.
o NUMBERS-150:  "Fraction/BigFraction": Fixed pow(int) to handle
    Integer.MIN_VALUE and throw ArithmeticException for negative exponents to a
    fraction of zero. Thanks to Jin Xu.
o NUMBERS-147:  Fixed Fraction/BigFraction from(double, int) to support
    Integer.MIN_VALUE as max denominator. Thanks to Alex Herbert.

o NUMBERS-163:  Combined "LinearCombination" and "Summation" into single "Sum"
    class. Thanks to Matt Juntunen.
o NUMBERS-164:  Added SortInPlace utility, original from Commons Math. Thanks
    to Gilles Sadowski.
o NUMBERS-159:  Moved "Norms", "LinearCombination", and "Summation" from
    commons-numbers-arrays module to commons-numbers-core module. Moved
    "CosAngle" from commons-numbers-arrays module to commons-numbers-angle
    module. Thanks to Matt Juntunen.
o NUMBERS-156:  Replaced "SafeNorm" with "Norms". Added "Summation" class for
    extended precision summation. Thanks to Matt Juntunen.
o NUMBERS-161:  "Angle" replaces "PlaneAngle" and "PlaneAngleRadians". Thanks
    to Gilles Sadowski.
o NUMBERS-158:  Replace angle normalize method with normalizer method that
    returns operator instance. Thanks to Gilles Sadowski.
o NUMBERS-157:  Adding Reduce operation originally from Commons Math to
    commons-numbers-angle module. Thanks to Gilles Sadowski.
o NUMBERS-142:  "LinearCombination": Update to use the dot2s algorithm. Avoids
    construction of an intermediate array for array dot products. Update the
    hi-lo splitting algorithm to use Dekker's split to ensure the product
    round-off is computed to exact precision. Thanks to Alex Herbert.
o NUMBERS-154:  Precision compareTo method now handles NaN properly to ensure
    consistent sorting. Thanks to Gilles Sadowski.
o NUMBERS-149:  "Fraction": Port tests from commons-lang Fraction to
    demonstrate functional compatibility between the lang and numbers
    implementation of Fraction. Thanks to Jin Xu.
o NUMBERS-151:  "ArithmeticUtils": Refine pow(int, int) and pow(long, int) for
    edge cases. Thanks to Jin Xu.

Historical list of changes:

For complete information on Apache Commons Number, including instructions on how
to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the
Apache Commons Numbers website:

Distribution packages can be downloaded from

Matt Juntunen, on behalf of the Apache Commons Team

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