The Shiro team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Shiro
version 1.10.1.

This security release contains 5 fixes since the 1.10.0 release and is
available for Download now [1].


[SHIRO-892] - No Guice binding for newly introduced ShiroFilterConfiguration
[SHIRO-893] - NPE caused by lack of default ShiroFilterConfiguration


[SHIRO-895] - Work around Guice 4’s Java 17 compatibliity for Java
17-based tests

Dependency upgrade

[SHIRO-894] - EasyMock 5.0.1 for Java 17 compatibility
[SHIRO-896] - HSQLDB 2.7.1

Behavior Changes

As of 1.10.1, the Guice injection will be fixed as we introduced a
regression with 1.10.0 when using Guice with


Release binaries (.jars) are also available through Maven Central and
source bundles through Apache distribution mirrors.

For more information on Shiro, please read the documentation [2].

-The Apache Shiro Team


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