The Apache Solr PMC is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Solr 
Operator v0.7.0.

The Apache Solr Operator is a safe and easy way of managing a Solr ecosystem in 

This release contains numerous bug fixes, optimizations, and improvements, some 
of which are highlighted below. The release is available for immediate download 


### Solr Operator v0.7.0 Release Highlights:

* The minimum Kubernetes version supported is now v1.21.
* The required Zookeeper Operator version has been upgraded to v0.2.15.
* Clusterwide PodDisruptionBudgets are now created for SolrClouds by default.
* During a rolling restart/update, SolrCloud pods are now taken out of the 
common service endpoint before they are decommissioned. This should improve 
request reliability during rolling restarts.
* Many missing Provided Zookeeper options have been added.
* Using volume backupRepositories now initialize faster on pod creation and 
work with custom user/fsGroup.
* Default SolrCloud and SolrPrometheusExporter Pod probes have been improved.
* Bug fixed in non-recurring backups.
* Bug fixed with custom persistent data volume names.

A summary of important changes is published in the documentation at:


For the most exhaustive list, see the change log on ArtifactHub or view the git 
history in the solr-operator repo.



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