Dear Colleague,

Please accept out apologies in advance if you have received multiple copies of this email. We are writing to bring to your attention the following special session at the upcoming CMOS 2009 Congress in Halifax: "Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Dynamics". For this section, we would welcome submissions addressing any aspect of the earth system from a dynamical perspective. In particular, we invite submissions involving theoretical studies of geophysical flows, analyses of forecast and climate models, or diagnostic studies which serve the valuable function of increasing our understanding of the important dynamic and thermodynamic processes in the ocean and atmosphere. Abstract submissions can be made on the CMOS website at
Note that the deadline for abstract submission is February 15, 2009. (Conference is May 31 to June 4, 2009).

We hope to see you in Halifax,
Ron McTaggart-Cowan
Bill Merryfield
Adam Monahan
Rob Scott

Rob Scott
Research Scientist
Institute for Geophysics
University of Texas at Austin
Office: +1-512-471-0375

Current mailing address:

National Oceanography Centre
European Way
Empress Dock
SO14 3ZH
United Kingdom

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