Please circulate the following opportunities for open-ended lectureships at UEA 
Norwich. Thank you.  I am happy to answer any queries.


Lectureship in Ocean Modelling

We seek an innovative and dynamic scientist, with a proven research record in 
numerical modelling of physical oceanographic processes and/or ocean 
circulation. You will join a group of marine and atmospheric scientists at UEA 
active in research in many areas of climate science and will complement, 
existing areas of expertise in the school. You will contribute to teaching 
physical oceanography and/or numerical modelling to undergraduates and Masters 
students. You must have a PhD or equivalent and be able to fulfil all essential 
elements of the person specification for the post. This indefinite full-time 
post is available from 1 September but start dates are flexible.



Lectureship in Shelf Seas Physical Oceanography

We seek an innovative and dynamic physical oceanographer with a proven research 
record in the physics of shelf seas that complements existing research areas 
within the School. The appointee will undertake research and teaching in 
shallow water processes, and will be encouraged to develop collaborations with 
Cefas. You will contribute to teaching in physical oceanography at 
undergraduate and postgraduate level. You must have a PhD or equivalent and be 
able to fulfil all other essential elements of the person specification. This 
post is available on an indefinite full-time basis from 1 September 2011 but 
start dates are flexible.



Lectureship in Climate Dynamics

We seek an innovative and dynamic scientist with a proven research record in 
detection and attribution of climate change, dynamical interactions within the 
climate system or statistical climatology. Based within the Climatic Research 
Unit, the lecturer will develop his or her research in this field and will 
contribute to teaching and assessment of Undergraduate and Masters level 
modules in general areas of Climate and Meteorology. You must have a PhD (or 
equivalent) and be able to fulfill all essential elements of the person 
specification for the post. The post is available from 1 September 2011 on an 
indefinite full-time basis but start dates are flexible.



Salaries £37,990 to £44,016 per annum

Closing date for all posts : 12 noon on 3 May 2011.

Professor Karen J. Heywood
Physical Oceanographer
School of Environmental Sciences
University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ

Royal Society - Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow 2010-2011

Norwich: fourth highest cited UK city for science, thanks to the University and 
our Norwich Research Park partners.

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