Dear friends and colleagues

I would like to draw your attention to our session P06 The Southern Ocean: 
where Ocean, Ice and Atmosphere Meet at the IUGG meeting in June-July 2015 in 
Prague.  See  for more details of the meeting.  
Please forward this announcement to colleagues and students.

Registration and abstract submission is now open.  Abstracts must be submitted 
by 31st January.

There are 13 sessions being organised by IAPSO, 17 by IACS and 22 by IAMAS so 
there is sure to be something for everyone.

We especially draw your attention to our session, and are delighted to announce 
that Sarah Gille (Scripps, USA) and Andy Hogg (ANU, Australia) have agreed to 
give solicited talks in our session.

P06 The Southern Ocean: where Ocean, Ice and Atmosphere Meet

Convener: Karen Heywood<> (Norwich, UK)

Co-conveners: Anna Wåhlin (Gothenburg, Sweden), Andrew Thompson (Pasadena, 
USA), Roman Tarakanov (Moscow, Russia)


This symposium is open to all with an interest in Southern Ocean sciences and 
processes, regardless of approach (e.g. theory, modelling, in situ 
observations, remote sensing). The Southern Ocean influences global climate and 
plays an important role in the meridional overturning circulation. The 
interaction of the ocean with the Antarctic ice shelves, leading to ice sheet 
mass loss affecting global sea level, is a topic of growing emphasis. The role 
of sea ice and polynyas in mediating interactions between atmosphere and ocean 
is a key challenge for climate models and for assessing carbon fluxes. This 
session welcomes results of recent studies such as:
 - Southern Ocean mixing and its influence on global overturning
 - Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Antarctic gyre dynamics and variability
 - cross-slope exchange of heat, freshwater, nutrients and other tracers
 - melting and circulation processes beneath ice shelves
 - the role of sea ice in water mass formation, air-sea gas exchange and carbon 
 - atmosphere-ocean interactions, air-sea fluxes and mixed layer physics
 - climate model predictions for the Southern Ocean of the future
 - techniques and challenges for future Southern Ocean observing systems.

This symposium is co-sponsored by IACS.

We look forward to seeing you in Prague!

Karen, Anna, Andy and Roman

Professor Karen J. Heywood
Physical Oceanographer
Centre for Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
School of Environmental Sciences
University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ

UK Top 15 (14th in the Guardian University Guide 2015; 14th in the Times and 
Sunday Times Good University Guide 2015)
UK Top 3 for Student Experience (Times Higher Education Student Experience 
Survey 2014)
World top 1% (Times Higher Education World Rankings 2014-15)
World Top 100 (Leiden Ranking 2014)


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