Dear Community,

from October 17th to 19th, the LibreOffice Conference takes place in Berlin, Germany, with one additional community meeting day on October 16th.

People living outside Europe and the "Schengen area" may require a visa to participate. Based on our experience, depending on the country of origin, applying for such a visa can be a lenghty, tedious task. We therefore recommend everyone to act already *now* so required documents can be provided in time. Bureaucratic delays of several months (!) have happened in the past for certain countries, with the reasons out of the organizers' responsibility, so therefore the sooner you act, the better it is. Unfortunately, although rarely, it already happened that people could not participate because they sent in their visa request too late. So, again, act *NOW*.

We have compiled some details on this topic already at

My colleague Stefan Weigel will take care of the formalities. In case you have questions regarding the visa, or want to receive a letter of invitation, please contact him directly at

We are trying to make the process as easy as possible, and are looking forward to meeting you in Berlin this fall!

On behalf of the organizers
Florian Effenberger

Florian Effenberger, Chairman of the Board
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
The Document Foundation, Zimmerstr. 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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