Berlin, 17 August 2016 - The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE, is joining the Advisory Board of The Document
Foundation. At the same time, The Document Foundation is becoming an
associated organisation of the FSFE

The Free Software Foundation Europe's aim is to help people control
technology instead of the other way around. However, this is a goal
which no single organisation can achieve on its own. Associated
organizations are entities that share the FSFE's vision and support the
foundation and Free Software in general by encouraging people to use and
develop Free Software, by helping organisations understand how Free
Software contributes to freedom, transparency and self-determination,
and by removing barriers to Free Software adoption.

With this mutual expression of support, both organisations strengthen
each other in their effort to keep the general public in the
technological driver seat. While the FSFE embodies the principles of the
community movement working in pro of the adoption of Free Software in
companies, public administrations and for private citizens, The Document
Foundation turns principles and ethics into actual products, putting a
first class, full-featured, but completely free productivity suite in
the hands of users.

fsfe-summit-logo"We are happy to welcome the Free Software Foundation
Europe as a member of our Advisory Board. Together, we will be able to
further develop the adoption of Free Software in Europe, amongst public
administrations and enterprises", said Eike Rathke, a Director of The
Document Foundation and a long time Free Software advocate and hacker.

"We believe it is important to join forces with all the organisations
active in Free Software around Europe," said Matthias Kirschner,
President of the Free Software Foundation Europe, "and work together to
reach our common goals. With our associated organisations we want to
show that we are a strong and cohesive movement, and we work to achieve
common objectives. To do this, we exchange ideas, coordinate efforts,
motivate each other, and find opportunities to work together on specific
projects. This is the case with The Document Foundation, steward of one
of the most successful Free Software projects: LibreOffice".

Several members of The Document Foundation will join FSFE Summit 2016 in
Berlin, from September 2 to September 4, to celebrate FSFE 15th


Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - skype italovignoli
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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