Congratulations and kudos to the HTTP Server Project team for their
hard work and accomplishments.

To commemorate, the ASF issued this press release today:


Apache HTTP Server Reaches Record Eight Consecutive Years of Technical

 San Francisco, CA (May 11, 2004)  The Apache Software Foundation today
announced that its HTTP Server platform has reached a milestone of eight
consecutive years of World Wide Web technology leadership.  Since its
first release in April of 1995, the Apache HTTP Server has become as
pervasive as the Web itself.  According to two separate and independent
surveys, the Apache HTTP Server, which originally established itself as
the leading web server technology in April 1996, continues to acquire even
greater market, growing faster than all other competing web server

We started the Apache project to provide the development community with a
secure, efficient and extensible open source Web server platform. Our goal
from the very beginning was to establish the Apache HTTP Server as the
dialtone of the web  a standards-compliant, commercial grade reference
platform.   Through collaboration with the community, we have continually
improved upon and added modules to the core Apache HTTP Server platform,
thereby evolving the quality and breadth of the technology, said Jim
Jagielski, Executive Vice President and Secretary of the Apache Software
Foundation.  Our recent achievement is testament to the benefits of the
process of open source software development itself.  By collaborating with
the community, we have been able to consistently deliver freely
accessible, robust, feature-rich Web server technology.

Apache HTTP Server Leadership Continues to Grow

In an April 2004 Security Space survey of 14,174,836 Web sites, the Apache
HTTP Server was recognized as the most widely implemented Web server
platform, with 70.48% share, representing 9,990,804 deployed servers.

In an April 2004 Netcraft survey incorporating roughly 50 million Web
sites, Apache again rose to the top for the 96th straight month, with
69.01% market share and 15,747,757 active servers.  According to Netcraft,
the number of sites deploying Apache has grown by over 30 percent in the
last twelve months, from 25 million to 33 million.  Apaches growth has
outpaced that of competing products, as the overall number of deployed Web
sites increased by 25 percent over the same twelve month period.

"The Apache project seized the momentum in http server development within
weeks of its first release and has held it ever since, growing its user
community from a few hundred sites in August 1995, to several tens of
millions today,"
added Mike Prettejohn, Director of Netcraft.

Commitment to Continued Technical Leadership

Achieving eight straight years of technology leadership confirms that the
open source model works.  Apache is now successfully deployed in a diverse
set of environments, from large commercial entities to small nonprofit
organizations.  We are grateful to the community for their continued
support and participation in the development process, said Sander Striker,
Vice President of the Apache HTTP Server Project.  We are firmly committed
to continuing to provide the most accessible and standards-compliant Web
server platform in existence.


The Apache Software Foundation provides organizational, legal, and
financial support for the Apache open-source software projects. Formerly
known as the Apache Group, the Foundation incorporated as a
membership-based, not-for-profit corporation to ensure that the Apache
projects continue to exist beyond the participation of individual
volunteers, to enable contributions of intellectual property and financial
support, and to provide a vehicle for limiting legal exposure while
participating in open-source projects. For more information on the Apache
Software Foundation, please see

Media Contact:
Susan Wu
Marketing and Public Relations, Apache Software Foundation

Greg Stein
Chairman, Apache Software Foundation

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