Apache HTTP Server 2.4.1 Released

The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache HTTP Server Project are
pleased to announce the GA release of version 2.4.1 of the Apache HTTP
Server. This version of Apache HTTP Server is the first GA release of
the new 2.4.x branch.

Apache HTTP Server 2.4 provides a number of improvements and
enhancements over the 2.2 version. A listing and description of these
features is available via:


Please see the CHANGES_2.4 file, linked from the download page, for a
full list of changes.

We consider this release to be the best version of Apache HTTP Server
available, and encourage users of all prior versions to upgrade.
Apache HTTP Server 2.4.1 is available for download from:


This release requires the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) version 1.4.x
and APR-Util version 1.4.x. The APR libraries must be upgraded for all
features of httpd to operate correctly.

This release builds on and extends the Apache 2.2 API. Modules written
for Apache 2.2 will need to be recompiled in order to run with Apache
2.4, and may require minimal source code changes.


A summary of all of the security vulnerabilities addressed in this and
earlier releases is available:


Windows users: AcceptFilter None has replaced Win32DisableAcceptEx 
and the feature appears to have interoperability issues with mod_ssl.
Apache 2.4.1 may not yet be suitable for all Windows servers.  There 
is not yet a Windows binary distribution of httpd 2.4, but this is
expected to be remedied soon as various dependencies graduate from
beta to GA.

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