In Virginia, we are blessed (?) to have every year be an election year.  In odd 
numbered years, state elections are on the November agenda.  This being the 
year after a presidential election year, three statewide offices (Governor, 
Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General) will be on the November 2013 ballot.  
Governor & Lt. Governor are not a ticket and are elected separately.
To get on the ballot for any of those statewide offices takes 10,000 valid 
signatures of registered Virginia voters, with a second requirement of at least 
400 valid signatures of voters from each of the 11 US House districts in 
Virginia.  The petition deadline is Tuesday, June 11.
I recently spoke with a representative of a Libertarian Political Action 
Committee who told me that that PAC probably would contribute $10,000 to a 
petition drive to place an LPVA candidate for Governor on the general election 
ballot in Virginia this year.  That begins to make a Gubernatorial candidacy 
feasible.  But, we would need a candidate.
How about you?
The Virginia Senate will not be up for election until 2015, but all 100 seats 
in the Virginia House of Delegates will be on the ballot in November 2013.  
Unlike the US House of Representatives, you can only run for the House of 
Delegates in the district in which you live.  Only 125 valid signatures of 
registered voters in a House of Delegates district will get you on the ballot 
for this coming November’s general election.  That petition deadline is also 
Tuesday, June 11, but it is best not to wait until June to complete this task.
If not for statewide office, can you be a candidate for the Virginia House of 
There are also many local offices that are up for election this year—too 
numerous to list here.  To the best of my knowledge, all or nearly all of those 
offices will need 125 or fewer signatures of registered voters to get on the 
ballot.  Please check with your local Board of Elections to find out what other 
offices are up for election this year and the requirements to get on the ballot.
Can you be a candidate for local office this year?
I have been a candidate for public office five times (House of Delegates in 
1993, Virginia Senate in a 1998 special election, Governor in 2001, US Senate 
in 2008 and US House in 2010).  Every time, it was a genuinely rewarding 
experience.  It wasn’t fun all the time, but most of the time it was.  In 
retrospect, I am so glad that I have been a five time LPVA-endorsed candidate 
for public office.
You’ll need to get signatures, get the nomination of the state party, the 
members in your House of Delegates district or your local jurisdiction, and 
properly complete paperwork that will need to be filed with your signatures.
If you are interested in being a candidate for public office this year, please 
email me at william.redpath@lp.orgor, better yet, call me at 703-864-2132 to 
discuss how the LPVA and you can work together to make this the most active and 
the best year ever for the Libertarian Party of Virginia.
Thank you very much.
Bill Redpath
Political Development Committee
Libertarian Party of Virginia

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