Dear Colleagues,

November 5 is only 11 short weeks away!

We have seven very special individuals who have been working very hard for us 
this year.

Rob Sarvis, running for governor, has racked up thousands of miles on the 
family vehicle, going to local events, supporting local parties, meeting 
Libertarians all over the state.  He is taking six months out of his life and 
away from his family because he believes he must do something to bring about a 
better world for his kids to live in.

Our candidates for Virginia House of Delegates have been working just as hard, 
often attending campaign events several times a week and getting some great 
libertarian ideas reviewed in their local newspapers (such as Chris Sullivan's 
call to repeal the Virginia state income tax).

Check out all of our candidates here:

I just spent a week managing an information table at the Rockingham County 
Fair.  During that week, we handed out about a thousand of Sarvis' palmcards, 
and I watched people reading them as they walked away.  About 400 people took 
"the World's Smallest Political Quiz".  Every journey starts with a step!  More 
than a few came back for additional information.  We found about three dozen 
new libertarians, and I followed-up daily with every one of them with a letter 
thanking them for visiting us.

We don't need to convert anyone.  There are libertarians already out there; we 
number in the millions.  But the only way to find them is for us to get out 
there and meet them, and Sarvis and our House of Delegates candidates are doing 
just that.

I have a challenge for you.  I am donating $200 to each of our Virginia 
candidates this season.  I've already written three or four of the checks, and 
I plan to write the rest of them before the end of this week.

Will you match me?

We have seven great candidates running this year.  At $200 each I am making an 
investment of $1400 in our people this year.  They're burning shoe leather, and 
I'm helping them buy more.

Let's not let them down.  They're out there working hard for us, spreading the 
Libertarian message and bringing new libertarians to us.

Match me.

Donating to our candidates isn't complicated -- you can donate a lump sum to 
LPVA with a single credit card authorization and tell us to divide among the 
candidates however you want.

Just go to our contribution page and donate to one candidate or all of them at 

Remember, we only have eleven more weeks.  If we don't support our candidates 
with our contributions, they will not be able to get the libertarian message 
out there for people to find.  We have many friends already.  let's go find 

Sincerely Yours,

        Marc Montoni, Secretary
        Libertarian Party of Virginia
        804-592-6066 (h)
        <> <>
        Home mailing address: PO Box 864, Dayton VA  22821-0864

Peaceful Commerce With All Nations * Noninterventionism * Repeal Prohibition * 
End Government Intrusion In The Bedroom * Repeal All Gun Laws * Taxpayer 
Bailout: Repeal The Income Tax * Sound, Free-market Money & Abolish The Fed * 
End Corporate & Individual Welfare * Abolish The IRS * Privatize Transportation 
Infrastructure * Free-market Emergency Services * Minimally-regulated Migration 
* Transfer Government Schools To The Private Sector * Eliminate Regulation * 

If big government works, why do its advocates need to defend it?  

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Libertarian Party of Virginia
Phone: 703-715-6230
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