Dear Readers,

Libertarian talk radio host, and author Brian Wilson asks "Where's The 
Outrage", from his 'technically challenged studios' on the shores of Smith 
Mountan Lake, Virginia:


"WTO = Where’s The Outrage? ...  That question ­ along with appropriate 
head-scratching ­ has pundits stumped.  The MSM Blow-Dried Set have appeared 
cautiously optimistic 'ordinary citizens' Joe and Jane Sixpack, are not 'mad as 
hell' at all; reports of 'Yelling From Windows' pretty much non-existent.  Even 
beat reporters are hesitant to report. ...  'For the children' - Not so much:  
Amber Alert website ­ closed.  Questionably beneficial Michelle Obama’s “Let’s 
Move”? Open! WTO?"


The full article is here:

Take a few minutes to check out Brian's writing.

Also check out his personal blog:

-- Marc Montoni, Secretary
   Libertarian Party of Virginia

P.S.  Do you know of other Virginia Libertarians with recently-published 
material?  Send us the link to each article, and pen a few words to introduce 
it to your fellow Libertarians!

P.P.S.  Disagree with the author?  Have a different perspective?  Think there 
is a better Libertarian answer?  Are you a Virginia resident?  Then publish 
your op-ed in response on a blog or your website and let us know the URL, and 
we will notify our members of it just like we did here.



The Libertarian Party of Virginia is currently seeking candidates to run for 
public office for the 2014 season.  Let us know:


-- end -- 

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Libertarian Party of Virginia
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