Dear Readers,

If you've never read James Ostrowski, he is very much worth the read.  Check 
out his article that gives an excellent summary of so-called "progressivism" 
(excerpt below).

The word "Progressive" itself is a concocted misnomer.  One could be forgiven 
for thinking that progressivism means progress towards a better future -- 
justice, harmony, and abundance, and so on.

But that's not what progressivism seeks at all.  Rather, the goal is the Total 
State -- totalitarianism in full flower.  Progressives seek to control every 
aspect of every subject's life.

Progressives knew they could not promote that ideology under its real names 
(socialism, communism, totalitarianism, etc -- although given the record of 
about 100 million people slaughtered by its acolytes in the 20th century, 
personally, I prefer to just call them murderers... but I digress), so they 
chose a name that suggested that its opponents were against "progress".

In the late 1800's and early 1900's, Progressivism won.  The Democrats and 
Republicans and almost all of the third parties of the time adopted it.

Indeed, so successful was the original invasion of the Progressives that even 
now, EVERY other political movement, and every other political party, has a 
foot in the door of Progressivism.  The Republican Party, the Democratic Party, 
the Greens, the Socialist Party USA, and all the others -- all of them share 
some ideology with the worst of the Progressives.

The ONLY political ideology that does not share any interests in Progressive 
giant-government goals is libertarianism.  Libertarianism is the only ideology 
that seeks to eliminate the force that under-girds the Progressives' Leviathan 

Check out Ostrowski's article and let us know what you think.


"Progressivism may be initially defined as the strong presumption that 
democratic government intervention (force) will produce a better result than 
voluntary society. Hence the root of the word “progress”.  However, the 
“progress” element of progressivism is aspirational, not factual.  The term 
begs the question by assuming as true that which has not been proved: that 
progressive ideas will lead to progress.  In fact, while progressives portray 
themselves as scientific, pragmatic, result-oriented and fact-based, there is 
little evidence, scientific or otherwise, that progressive programs have 
improved society.  See, Chapter 4.

"Progressivism has been the dominant political force since at least 1912 when 
all three major candidates for President were progressives.  Major elements of 
the progressive program were installed shortly thereafter.  The income tax 
amendment took effect in 1913.  The Federal Reserve was also created in 1913.  
These two acts combined had the impact of allowing the federal government 
direct access to the nation’s income and wealth either by taxation or inflation 
of the money supply.  These complementary means of wealth acquisition would 
allow the federal government to pay for the numerous progressive programs 
rolled out in the ensuing 100 years and presently."

See the whole article at


NOTE: The above review is also posted to the LPVA Facebook page -- discuss it 
in the comments:


-- Marc Montoni, Secretary
   Libertarian Party of Virginia

P.S.  Do you know of other Virginia Libertarians with recently-published 
material?  Send us the link to each article, and pen a few words to introduce 
it to your fellow Libertarians!

P.P.S.  Disagree with the author?  Have a different perspective?  Think there 
is a better Libertarian answer?  Are you a Virginia resident?  Then publish 
your op-ed in response on a blog or your website and let us know the URL, and 
we will notify our members of it just like we did here.



The Libertarian Party of Virginia is currently seeking candidates to run for 
public office for the 2014 season.  Are **you** ready to challenge the people 
who would steal your liberties and property?  If so, then run for office in 
2015!  Let us know here:

If you'd like to see what's up for election next year, review the state 
election calendar:

Become active in the movement to roll back the Leviathan State.  Join the LP 
and begin recruiting your friends and neighbors.

Vote Libertarian.  Challenge the state.  Vote for freedom. * * 


-- end -- 

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