Libertarian Thought for the Day: Celebrate a Quiet Hero


Those who are motivated by love and conscience, and who do the right thing even 
when it is politically unpopular and politically incorrect, should be 

When lives are under attack, or when good ideas are under attack -- those are 
exactly the hours when those who want justice must stand up, and act and speak 
in defense.  If you cower and fail to speak in the face of those who would 
destroy lives and rights, don't be surprised when those same people come for 

On July 1, 2015, one individual who was not afraid to act passed away after a 
long and fruitful life: Nicholas Winton.

Never heard of him?

Maybe that's because the only people who get any media coverage are the corrupt 
psychopaths who lead governments.  They have "credibility" and gravitas.  Or 
maybe it's because the politics of "divide and conquer" are in play over a flag.

Regardless of the reason, human progress is not measured by those kinds of 
people.  Rather, human progress is measured by the greatness of those who labor 
out of love and kindness -- and often in the shadows, unknown to all.

"Politicians and generals are right to be included in history textbooks, but if 
we want a better world they ought to be footnotes on the pages dedicated to 
people like Nicholas Winton.  As a direct result of his courage, 669 children 
who faced near certain death at the hands of the Nazis were able to escape to 
freedom.  Rest in peace, sir, and may you never be forgotten."

-- Sloane Shearman



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-- Marc Montoni, Secretary
   Libertarian Party of Virginia

P.S.  Do you know of other Virginia Libertarians with recently-published 
material?  Send us the link to each article, and pen a few words to introduce 
it to your fellow Libertarians!



The Libertarian Party of Virginia is currently seeking candidates to run for 
public office for the 2015 election season.  Let us know:


-- end --  

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