Dear Colleagues,

Primary Day Challenge!!

Libertarians in the city of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County will be hitting 
the polls tomorrow to circulate our Libertarian Presidential petition.  We have 
a goal of 100 signatures by the end of the day.

But we're a small country chapter.  Can your local LP collect more signatures 
than we can?

I have a 1-ounce silver ingot that says no other metro region can beat us.

Should be easy -- Richmond, for example, has about 100 members nearby.  We have 

Northern Virginia has over 200 members.  We have TEN.

I will give the ingot to the chairman of whichever local LP collects the most 
signatures tomorrow.  Your affiliate can then sell it for the cash if desired, 
and use it for whatever purpose needed.

Petitions must be **complete** to qualify -- that means properly witnessed and 
notarized.  Completed petitions can be presented to Marc Montoni (Secretary) at 
the LPVA Convention this Saturday.

You may download the petition from either of these links:

        Legal size:

        Letter size:

Petitioning tips and instructions are available from our 2016 petition web page:

In any case, get out there to those polls tomorrow and let's knock this drive 

Sincerely Yours,

        Marc Montoni, Secretary
        Libertarian Party of Virginia
        804-592-6066 (h)
        My direct email: <>
        Home mailing address: PO Box 864, Dayton VA  22821-0864

NOTICE: This message has been intercepted by the NSA: the only branch of 
government that listens.
Peaceful Commerce With All Nations * Noninterventionism * Repeal Prohibition * 
End Government Intrusion In The Bedroom * Repeal All Gun Laws * Taxpayer 
Bailout: Repeal The Income Tax * Sound, Free-market Money & Abolish The Fed * 
End Corporate & Individual Welfare * Abolish The IRS * Privatize Transportation 
Infrastructure * Free-market Emergency Services * Minimally-regulated Migration 
* Transfer Government Schools To The Private Sector * Eliminate Regulation * 
The same amount of gold that would purchase a car in 1920 will purchase a car 
Ten ounces of gold was worth approximately $250.00 in 1920, the average price 
of a car.
Today, ten ounces of gold is worth approximately $21,000.00, the average price 
of a car. 
It is your government-printed funny money that is becoming worthless.
If big government works, why do its advocates need to defend it? 

Have an announcement you'd like to post?  SCC members & many 
committee heads are all authorized to post; or you may send 
your announcements to the List Master: <>
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and "Unsubscribe Announce" as the text.
Libertarian Party of Virginia
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