Dear Colleagues,

It's that time of year again, be one of the volunteers manning/womanning of the 
LPVA Booth at the Virginia State Fair.  Check out the signup page:

This year will be a great opportunity for the LPVA because it's a presidential 
election year and voters are excited to hear about Gary Johnson!

This year the State Fair begins on Friday, 23 September, and ends on Sunday 2 
October 2016.  The hours are 10am to 9pm on Sunday thru Thursday and 10am to 
10pm on Friday and Saturday.

Signup page:

Our booth must be manned at all times during the operating hours of the fair or 
we could forfeit the booth space and any expenses and fees associated with the 
booth.  That being the case, we must get as many volunteers as we can to 
participate in this event so that we can have at least 2 people manning the 
booth at all times.  If we can get volunteers to participate in the booth in 
four hour increments from 10-2, 2-6, and 6 to closing, we can get by with a 
minimum of 6 people per day.  On Fridays thru Sunday we could use more people 
to man the booth because weekends will be busier.  Please circulate this 
volunteer request  as soon as possible so that I can set up a schedule and  
make arrangements for extra tickets.

I will have 2 exhibitor parking decals which are transferable and can be used 
by a volunteer in lieu of handicapped parking if needed.  The people putting up 
and taking down the booth will need the parking decals on the first and last 
day of the fair, however, it shouldn't be a problem coordinating decal use on 
other days.

Each volunteer will get a "worker" ticket for the day they are manning the 
booth. The ticket is good for the whole day so you can check out the fair 
before or after your booth time.

Signup page:

This year the Johnson/Weld Campaign volunteers may be able to expand the number 
of volunteers we normally have for the fair.

Any questions, I can be reached at 804-512-4030 or <>.

Thank you!

Tony Grebas
2016 State Fair Booth Coordinator

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