The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Changes Plugin, version 2.0

This plugin is used to inform your users of the changes that have occurred between different releases of your project. The plugin can extract these changes, either from a changes.xml file or from the JIRA issue management system, and present them as a report. You also have the option of creating a release announcement and even sending this via email to your users.

You can run mvn -up to get the latest version of the plugin, or specify
the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Changes Plugin - Version 2.0

** Bug
* [MCHANGES-66] - The changes plugin scatters white space over its Changes report * [MCHANGES-75] - Setting maxEntries too high causes a SAXParseException * [MCHANGES-88] - NoSuchMethodError with maven 2.0.8 when generating changes-report * [MCHANGES-89] - AbstractJiraDownloader throws an exception when jira returns a circular redirect
    * [MCHANGES-91] - Output a title for the reports
    * [MCHANGES-96] - Change type of path parameters to
* [MCHANGES-100] - Generating the jira-report causes error "The system cannot find the path specified"
    * [MCHANGES-102] - Fix case-insensitive string handling
    * [MCHANGES-105] - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError on changes:jira-report

** Improvement
    * [MCHANGES-92] - JIRA Report Improvements
    * [MCHANGES-93] - Add dedicated resource bundle for locale "en"
* [MCHANGES-94] - Add option to configure the sort order of the JIRA report
    * [MCHANGES-95] - Add german translation
    * [MCHANGES-97] - Fix VTL errors
* [MCHANGES-99] - Make it possible to show issues only for the current release
    * [MCHANGES-103] - Allow suffix "ASC" for sort columns

** Wish
    * [MCHANGES-101] - Consider changing log outputs to debug


-The Maven team

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