The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Assembly
Plugin, version 2.2.1

Do you want to create a binary distribution from a Maven project that
includes supporting scripts, configuration files, and all runtime
dependencies? You need to use the Assembly Plugin to create a
distribution for your project.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Assembly Plugin - Version 2.2.1

** Bug
    * [MASSEMBLY-255] - Typo in error message
    * [MASSEMBLY-472] - Doc includes <format>gz</format> but plugin
doesn't support it
    * [MASSEMBLY-510] - leading period ('.') added to directory names
    * [MASSEMBLY-514] - The value for prerequisites/maven in the pom.xml
should be 2.2.1 for Maven Assembly Plugin 2.2
    * [MASSEMBLY-516] - Error in Example for sharing-descriptors?
    * [MASSEMBLY-519] - Documentation problem: description of how to
share assemble descriptors is wrong
    * [MASSEMBLY-527] - [REGRESSION] Sharing assembly descriptors
doesn't work any more
    * [MASSEMBLY-528] - FileSet does not support filtering (again)
    * [MASSEMBLY-534] - Doc unclear on descriptor refs
    * [MASSEMBLY-538] - filtering broken in files containing '@'
    * [MASSEMBLY-540] - Web site uses the 1.1.0.xsd but 1.1.2 recommended

** Improvement
    * [MASSEMBLY-512] - Plugin documentation refers to "Maven 2"
    * [MASSEMBLY-522] - Thread safety
    * [MASSEMBLY-524] - Make recommended goal usage more explicit;
separate non-deprecated goals from deprecated ones explicitly
    * [MASSEMBLY-541] - XSD for component
    * [MASSEMBLY-545] - While loading multiple Filter files, already
known filter values are not applied (see MSHARED-177)


-The Maven team

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