The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Site Plugin, 
version 2.3

The Maven Site Plugin is a plugin that generates a site for the current project.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Site Plugin - Version 2.3

* [MSITE-578] Incorrect and confusing documentation of site directories
* [MSITE-570] Wrong documentation for Excluding Document Formats
* [MSITE-566] site:attach-descriptor removes all comments and filters the 
* [MSITE-553] Incomplete documentation site descriptor inheritance
* [MSITE-537] site:stage-deploy creates wrong directory structure if run from a 
* [MSITE-536] generateSitemap=true creates xdoc that fails to validate with 
* [MSITE-534] site:stage gives different links than site:deploy
* [MSITE-532] site:attach-descriptor removes modules ref if the project doesn't 
have any modules
* [MSITE-527] Issue warning if run from Maven 3
* [MSITE-510] Sitemap generates wrong links to project overview pages
* [MSITE-503] Site validation doesn't run against xml files processed by 
* [MSITE-502] Multiple Parent-Links and additional module-link inherited wrong 
from parent
* [MSITE-488] site:attach shouldn't replace variables from site.xml
* [MSITE-473] Child project poweredby configured in parent site.xml results in 
incorrect html, extension from images is removed.
* [MSITE-423] <links> item hrefs not relativised properly when inherited by 
child modules
* [MSITE-417] CLONE -The modules menu is not inherited if the parent project 
has no modules of its own
* [MSITE-322] problem with internationalization of multimodule projects
* [MSITE-273] Wrong url in banner left url when page has more 2 sub directories
* [MSITE-244] Relative paths are losing their query parts
* [MSITE-159] Absolute URI rendered as relative URI if absolute URI related to 
domain of POM URI

* [MSITE-573] Default stagingRepositoryId should match site id
* [MSITE-557] added plugin information to console output for Maven 2 like it is 
done in Maven 3
* [MSITE-535] Do not use project.url for relative link resolution
* [MSITE-533] make site:stage a local file deploy
* [MSITE-429] Add Galician locale (gl) support

New Feature
* [MSITE-458] Fixing the order of items in "Modules" menu
* [MSITE-354] Generation of project-info.html cannot be omitted

* [MSITE-576] Update to Doxia Sitetools 1.2
* [MSITE-575] Update to maven-doxia-tools 1.4
* [MSITE-574] Update to Doxia 1.2
* [MSITE-556] Update site documentation related to deployment to sourceforge.


-The Maven team

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