The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven Wagon, version 3.1.0.

Release Notes - Maven Wagon - Version 3.1.0

** Bug
* [WAGON-452] - RelaxedTrustStrategy does not handle multiple certificates
    * [WAGON-493] - Maven wagon-scm documentation is erroneous
    * [WAGON-495] - Fix checkoutDirectory leak
* [WAGON-496] - site-deploy using wagon-ssh broke in 2.12 because of the fix for WAGON-465 * [WAGON-497] - ScmWagon#put() strips parent dirs from the target path if they already exist in SCM * [WAGON-498] - ScmWagon should work in binary and shallow mode when possible
    * [WAGON-499] - apache-rat complains about Eclipse .checkstyle files
* [WAGON-503] - Directory gives out of date error in putDirectory() to a non-empty Subversion repo * [WAGON-518] - AbstractHttpClientWagon#putFromStream() reads entire content to memory

** New Feature
    * [WAGON-501] - Add ScmGitExeWagonTest

** Improvement
    * [WAGON-482] - Use sparse files in HugeFileDownloadTest with Java 7

** Task
    * [WAGON-504] - switch from Git-WIP to Gitbox

** Dependency upgrade
    * [WAGON-505] - Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.25
    * [WAGON-506] - Upgrade Jetty to 9.2.24.v20180105
    * [WAGON-507] - Upgrade Plexus Utils to 3.1.0
    * [WAGON-508] - Upgrade JUnit to 4.12
    * [WAGON-509] - Upgrade Commons IO to 2.6
    * [WAGON-510] - Upgrade parent to 31
    * [WAGON-511] - Upgrade Plexus Container Default to 1.7.1
    * [WAGON-512] - Upgrade EasyMock to 3.5.1
    * [WAGON-513] - Upgrade HttpClient to 4.5.5
    * [WAGON-514] - Upgrade HttpCore to 4.4.9
    * [WAGON-515] - Upgrade JSoup to 1.11.2
    * [WAGON-516] - Upgrade Jackrabbit WebDAV to 2.14.4
    * [WAGON-519] - Upgrade to SCM 1.10.0


-The Apache Maven team

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