The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven SCM, version 1.13.0.

Release Notes - Maven SCM - Version 1.13.0

** Bug
* [SCM-913] - NPE on ChangeSet.toString() when no mergedRevisions are set
    * [SCM-975] - Broken link to Maven SCM plugin Release Notes
* [SCM-976] - GitExe changelog does not work in if the user has defined a custom format

** Improvement
    * [SCM-943] - scm:check-local-modification does not support excludes

** Task
    * [SCM-972] - Deprecate SCM Logger in favor of SLF4J
    * [SCM-980] - Remove code duplication in ListMojo

** Dependency upgrade
    * [SCM-978] - Upgrade Maven prerequisite to 3.2.5


-The Apache Maven team

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